come on, when have i ever let you down

cleo, she/her, mexican, bi, 23

about me

hey i'm cleo! i am honestly just on here for my favorite characters and to make fancams sometimes.

faves: cody, rex, ahsoka, obi-wan, omega, echo, fives, hunter, gregor, boba, fennec, finn, rey, poe, rose, jannah, iden, sabine, chopper, ezra, bodhi, din, grogu, eli vanto, thrawn


-i dont swear often but it could happen
-let me know if i should tag something!

-under 14 years old
-are racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc
-hate on my favorite characters
-ship reylo, clonecest, rexsoka, obikin, master/padawan ships